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  • support@mylibrarywala.com

Attention : Books ordered after 7 PM will be delivered a day after

Frequently Asked Questions

Go to our website (www.mylibrarywala.com) Click the "Want to create an account?" link after selecting the "Login" button. You will discover a registration form that you must complete with your accurate information and create a username to get your account generated at us.

First, sign in to your account using your username and password.

After logging in, you will get a welcome message with the dates for the book exchange.

Your user ID can be found on the right side of the page; click it to access the information below.

To start, you must log into your account.

Click the buy button after selecting your plan on the member plan tab. The sum and subscription information will flash on the screen. Go to the payment tab after choosing your payment method. If you choose COD, a notice stating that "your membership has been ordered and will get activated soon" will flash. Please follow online payment if you choose the online mode.

You can order the book after purchasing the subscription plan. The books of your choosing are added to your basket in accordance with your plan. (Extra books will incur additional costs correspondingly.) Check out all the books that have been added to the cart by clicking on the cart icon above, then go to the checkout. Your address will be visible. Check it, then proceed to the checkout. The message "Your order has been placed successfully" will appear on the screen. The books you ordered will have a pending status in the "My Account" tab.

Use your login information to first access your account. According to the delivery date, you must have got the books. You may check the status of your book—on hold or returned—under the status tab in my account. Return the book when you are done reading it, or choose the "hold" option to keep reading it until the following month. When returning a book, you have the option to rate it and write a review of it. After returning the first book, you can return another right away.

You can put a book on hold or return it using the status tab. To continue the book for the following month, you must choose the on-hold option.

Enter your login information to access your account. View as follows in the "My Account" tab:

1)Billing details.

2)My orders.

3)Payment History.

4)Already Read books.

5)My plan.


7)Edit Profile.

8)Temporary close account.

9)Advertisement form.



1) Billing information: On this page, you may view the membership plan, plan purchase date, amount, mode of payment, and the dates of the plan's activation and expiration.

2) My order:

The order date, address, ordered book with a photo, your order's pdf file, payment type, payment status, and order status may all be viewed in this tab.

3) Payment history:

This section allows you to see the status of your payments.

4)Already Read books:

Here, you may browse through all the titles you've already read and do a search. Additionally, you have the option of viewing the books by author, publisher, and the date you read them.

5) My plan: You can view the plan you've chosen, along with the activation and expiration dates.

6) Address: The address you entered can be viewed. Additionally, you can alter it.

7) Edit profile: This option allows you to access your user ID and mail ID.

8)Temporary close account:

You may temporarily close your account by providing the month or year you wish to do so as well as your justification.

9)Advertisement form:

If you'd like to advertise your company on our website, please fill out this form.

10) Logout: From this tab, you can log out.

You can choose the donate book option if you want to donate books to a library. You must complete and submit the provided form in order to proceed. You'll receive a call from our executive, and the book will be picked up from you at the appointed time.

Using this option, you can give a loved one a membership. You can purchase a gift membership after viewing the website. You must enter the recipient's information. After entering the plan's specifics, submit it. The individual who received the membership as a gift must sign up again using the same membership number. The given plan is automatically activated following registration.

Along with a few French novels and little children's English books, our primary category of books is made up of Marathi, Hindi, and English titles. On our website, you can browse the subcategory books.

We provide three different sorts of plans.
1)Limited plan

2)Unlimited plan

3)Gold plan

1)Limited plan

You can sign up for a one-month, three-month, six-month, or 12-month subscription.

Six books are delivered to you all at once; you keep them and return them after a month.

It consists of reading charges, admission charges, and a refundable deposit.

2) Unlimited plan
You have unlimited access to books in this. You can order a book once every day. It consists of reading charges, admission charges, and a refundable deposit.

3)Gold plan:

There are rare books in this plan. As a result, each month you can order one book. It consists of reading charges, admission charges, and a refundable deposit.

You must first login before you can proceed to make a payment in accordance with the membership plan you have chosen. You must choose a plan from the membership plan option before you can make an online payment or a COD.

You must choose a plan from the membership plan option before you can make an online payment or a COD.

There is a wishlist icon for every book. You can add the book to your wishlist by clicking on the symbol. Additionally, you may access your whole wishlist of books from the main menu. You may also add it to your cart.

You can use the front page's pin code search feature to seek deliveries nearby, at your place of business, or in the location, you specified for delivery. Your Pincode can be entered in the search option to look for nearby places. The delivery date of that area will be displayed on the screen.

You receive email and SMS notifications three days before the end of the membership plan. If you renew your plan, great; otherwise, it will renew itself when it expires.

The same phone number and email address cannot be used to establish two accounts.

We do have a feature for auto-renewing membership plans. If you don't renew the plan, it will renew automatically on the due date and you will be required to pay Reading Charges by cash.

You will begin receiving SMS notifications three days ahead of the plan's cancellation. After that, you can log in and renew your account.

The website's main menu includes an option for authors. It has an A to Z option for authors. To view all the authors we have available, click on them. In addition to that, you may use the search tool to look for it.

On the website's home page, you may find a search box where you can look for books by name, authors by name or publications by name.

Yes, you have the option to cancel an order in its entirety, a single book, or many books. To view all of your ordered books, go to the view tab after logging in, then click the "my order" page. You can cancel your order by clicking the cancel option located beneath each book.  You can use this to cancel your order and place a new one for new books.

Yes, you are always welcome to recommend any book to your friends. The share option is in detail.

If the book is lost or damaged, you will be responsible for paying for it. We will bill you at the going rate for the item, which is going to be less than the current market price of the book.

Click the login button if you forgot your password.

Click the forgot password link after that.

You can create a new password after entering your email address or mobile number.

A new password will be sent to you through SMS or by email.

Your membership may be temporarily closed for a few months or years. After logging into your account, you can discover a temporary close option. Enter how many months you need to close, then press the submit button. In this scenario, you won't receive the deposit fee.


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